VK9DNX - Guestbook

Ilmo - OH2BO (07 March 2007)
An other great DX-pedition. Specially thanks to Dietmar & Co for Topband activity. The continous calling did show that there are much more propagation than activity for long distance Qs on 160m.

Ed - AH2L (08 March 2007)
Tnx so much for ur great operation. You gave me many QSOs (all bands CW es SSB). I also enjoyed many hours of listening to all of you on all bands, again many tnx, gl to all..73

Craig V. Nelson - KE7NO (09 March 2007)
Thank you for your time and effort. Also, thanks for answering me quickly (before the pile-up found you as well). It is amazing what 100 watts and great ears on your end can do! I also appreciate the online QSL request. Although you may not need a Montana QSL, I certainly need a Norfolk Is. on 80. It's quick simple and it means my card can be used later. Great job and thanks for your abilities.

Michael - DH3MIT (10 March 2007)
Wow, what an Expedition... Made in Germany. Iam happy about few new Band Points ...thanks Guys, worked you on 80m with HF6V. Was an big surpsise for me...the farest QSO I ever made on 80m. Take Care cu on the Ham Radio!! 73 de Michael

Donny Sirait - YB6LD (11 March 2007)
Thanks Guys for the great operation and listening for YB. Your signals here are not very strong but incredible you can hear me despite of heavy QRM and QRN. Have a nice spring back there in Bavaria and enjoy the nice beer again

Bernie McIvor - VK4EJ (12 March 2007)
Thanks for a great DXpedition, You guys were everywhere, I got a New one on RTTY...Thanks & see you again in the Pacific soon... 73 Bernie VK4EJ

Garry V. Hammond - VE3XN (12 March 2007)
Congratulations to the VK9DNX team! You folks did a wonderful, and very professional job everytime I heard your operators working the pileups! Thanks for all the QSOs but especially 160!...Poor ole friend Jim Smith may as well go on an extended holiday with the fb way you have reduced the need for a VK9 Norfolk contact, on many bands! hi. I'm sure the DX world raises a glass of the finest German beer to the VK9DNX team!! I do!! Hope to work you guys again...it's fb to see a reliable expeditions which knows when and where to be ON/QRV to maximize the contacts! 73 Garry VE3XN 2339 utc 11.3.2007 just preparing my envelope ...THANKS AGAIN!

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