VK9DNX - Guestbook

Radek - SP5ADX (01 March 2007)
Thanks for new one. Good sig here

Igor - RL3WX (01 March 2007)
Excellent operators and thanks for all new one's guys! Good luck 73!

Matt - DL7VRG (01 March 2007)
Vielen Dank für die beiden QSO's auf 20 und 30 m gestern in cw. Hatte wenig Hoffnung, dass mich jemand mit 100W und GP hört. Hat aber super geklappt! Vielen Dank an den OP ! Noch weiterhin viel Erfolg und eine gute Rückreise! Matt

Bill Hilyerd - K4LRX (01 March 2007)
Great CW operators and thanks to all of you guys for such a fine operation!

Ben - W4TDX (01 March 2007)
Thanks for all you work and efforst. You gave me 17, 15 and 20 meter new countrys with your DXpedition. Tchuss und 73s, Ben

Joe Ivey - W4JSI (01 March 2007)
Glad to work you guys. I was on the back of a 2 element quad and the rotor will not turn the antenna. Good luck 73 Joe

Johan Teranggi - YC0LOW (01 March 2007)
Tnx for second CW QSO on 40m. A new one! But, couldn't see my first CW QSO on 80m (also a new one)when I checked via Online Log. I hope this is only a minor error. As always, signal from Pacific to YC-land isn't always easy to copy. Joerg, YB1AQS knew it all, hi. Hpe to catch you agn on topband. Great German Hi-Quality DXped. 73 to all!

Graham Welch - K5PEW (01 March 2007)
Logged you last night on 14027 with 2 Watts into my homemade vertical. You guys hear very well! I strung up a dipole for 40 meters and hope you will be above 7025 soon. Thanks again!

Larry Pink - KC9CSQ (01 March 2007)
Thank you for my first cw contact to VK9 land. Your operators are first rate,and very patient! Being new to cw, it is nice to be able to get a contact half way around the world with 100 watts. 73 tnx agn kc9csq

Larry Pink - KC9CSQ (01 March 2007)
Thank you for my first cw contact to VK9 land. Your operators are first rate,and very patient! Being new to cw, it is nice to be able to get a contact half way around the world with 100 watts. 73 tnx agn kc9csq

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