VK9DNX - Guestbook

SIMONE - IZ5DKJ (03 March 2007)
Very impressive DX operation! good luck

Richard Courtway - N7RC (03 March 2007)
Thank you for all the great CW music ! The bands are very quiet without your strong signal. Thank You / Danke !!

Jae Kim - HL4XM (03 March 2007)
Conglatulatios for the successful VK9/N DXpedition which you guys had done!! enjoyed it very much, on the low bands especially..

Eilert - SM4FZW (03 March 2007)
Hello and tnx for a nice Expedition, I'm verry glad that I have vk9dnx in my log.So tnx again and GL :)

Fritz - DL7ON (03 March 2007)
Gute Signale, prima Betriebstechnik und viele QSOs von 15 bis 160m, was will man mehr? Danke, Fritz DL7ON

louis - VE2BQB (03 March 2007)
Super managed operation by a group of fine operators, gud ears/ well-known sunrise for east coast was well shedule... best 73 safe trip back home gentlemens

Hirofumi YOSHIOKA - 7K1PTT (03 March 2007)
Vielen Dank. Quite reliable signal, operation, and online log. Very nice.

Hardy - DC8TS (03 March 2007)
Danke für Eure Aktivität: Mit 100 Watt und R5 Vertical 5 QSOs - 3 Betriebsarten - 3 Bänder Das war es, was hier zu erreichen war - für mich ist VK9N eine neue Entity

Ragnar - LA5HE (03 March 2007)
Miracles do happen ! On your last day signals on 160 came up the best I have heard- and I have been listening every day !! AND I got a QSO !!! A very happy man went to dinner afterwards ! Many thanks ( Dietmar ? ) Question : Will QSLs be available at FN in June ?

Volker - DM5DM (03 March 2007)
Gratitude for this pleasant expedition. Thanks you has never neglected this to serve all Lowbands simultane to every sunset in Europe. I has heard so loud signals from WAZ32 on 80m yet. You were my #241wkd on 80m.

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