
4W8X / 4W1A 2023

VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014

TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell Expeditions
ZL8X - 2010

VK9DWX - 2008

VK9DNX - 2007
VK9DNX - Guestbook
Phil - F6DDR (04 March 2007)
Congratulations to everyone for a very run operation at Norfolk Island. I very appreciated all the OPs great abilities. Auf wieder horren und Vielen Dank. 73, Phil F6DDR
Tony Stefanov - LZ1JZ (04 March 2007)
Another great DX-pedtion by Bavarian Contest Club ! Thanks QSO,s guys !!
Luigi - IT9RJE (04 March 2007)
Compliments for the consignment even if I have only 3 qsos, for me it is all right this way. you compliment to the whole team. 73's De IT9RJE Luigi in Bagheria PA
Alex - OZ7AM (04 March 2007)
Thank you for a great DX-pedition, 73 und 55
Dule - YZ1DV (05 March 2007)
Congratulations to everyone for nice DX-pedition, my compliment to excellent CW operation. All the best and 73 to next DX-pedition.
Ghis - A61NT (05 March 2007)
Have been monitoring from Dubai. Super operation (as usual). Wasn't at home to get you on the low bands, but got you on 30 and 15 CW from the UAE with just 100 watts and a dipole. Great website, beautiful pictures. 73, Ghis - A61NT/ON5NT
Emil - DJ4PI (05 March 2007)
Vielen Dank für alle QSO´s von 12 bis 160m. Ich schliesse mich den Gratulanten an, ufb DX-pedition. Gesunde Heimreise !
Hiro - 7K1PYG (05 March 2007)
Vielen Dank fuer dein wunderschones QSOs! Ich durecke dir die Daumen aus Japan!
Ian - ZL2BYD (05 March 2007)
I have never been to Norfolk ,Good luck on DXpedition.Cheers Ian
Franz - DL9GFB (06 March 2007)
Danke für 8 QSOs in zwei Betriebsarten und 5 neue Bandpunkte!!!! Gratulation zu Eurem DXpeditionserfolg! AWDH, auch von Zuhause! Vle 73! Franz DL9GFB
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