VK9DNX - Guestbook

Arnie - N6HC (02 March 2007)
Super operation. Great job. I hope you had a great time.

Gun - DK3WJ (02 March 2007)
War eine tolle DX-Expediton.Eine wahre Fundgrube für Bandpunkte.Lob für die exellente Betriebstechnik.Das war ein Ohrenschmaus. Kommt gut nach Hause. 73 de Gun

Guenter - DL8CMM (02 March 2007)
Habe mal das guestbook durchblaettert.Ist ja alles dabei was es so an Superlativen gibt !!!! ....und dem moechte ich mich aus vollem Herzen anschliessen .Danke herzlichst fuer die schoenen QSOs .Wuensche gute Heimreise ... 73s, gun,dl8cmm

john s larson - K6AUC (02 March 2007)
very well managed operation from k6 cahope your coverage was as good for eu/asia for a clean sweep john

Mike - DL2OE (02 March 2007)
Danke fuer die prima Expedition. Soeben das 40m RTTY QSO war das Sahnehaeubchen. Gruss an alle und kommt gesund nach Hause.

Clarence - W9AAZ (02 March 2007)
What a first class operation. The groupd was available and always had great signals. Was a real thrill to work them on 10 meter CW at the bottom of the sunsport cycle. Best of 73 and thank you for being there.

Guenter - DL7UM (02 March 2007)
Thank you for the nice contacts. All of you do a very fine job. It was a pleasure to work you. God luck vy 73 de Gun.

tom - VE1KC (02 March 2007)
Wonderful operation,excellent signals especially on the low bands...! Thanks for the opportunity and we wish you all a safe journey home. 73 ve1kc.

Mark - W0LM (02 March 2007)
Thank you for FB expedition. It was a pleasure to work you in the ARRL DX contest. 73, Mark W0LM

Jurgen - VE7FE (02 March 2007)
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to work you gentlemen on 7 bands. The propagation here up in the north of bc have not been the best and the signals were rather weak. Thanks for pulling me out on 160m. Viele Gruesse von British Columbia

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