
4W8X / 4W1A 2023

VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014

TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell Expeditions
ZL8X - 2010

VK9DWX - 2008

VK9DNX - 2007
VK9DNX - Guestbook
Pavel - OK1DRQ (02 March 2007)
In summa - Einfach Spitze. Danke schoen Freunde 73 Pavel OK1DRQ
Igor - OM3CUG (02 March 2007)
Hi guys! These days finally my QRP 5w breaks heavy pile ups. Thank You for new ones on three bands, I hope to do other bands too, especially on 80m CW - superlative chance to work Oceania with QRP on 80m, ur sigs is really amazing. Really vy good team work in VK9N and UFB sigs! 73 de Igor OM3CUG/qrp.
Wilf - DJ6TK (02 March 2007)
Moin, many thanks for the 20m RTTY QSO yesterday.Your DX-Pedition was great. I wish the whole crew a good flight back to Germany. Moin Moin from Flensburg, Wilf - dj6tk -
Paul - VK2HV (02 March 2007)
Congratulations on a great dx'pedition and tnx for a new one on 40mx CW
Louis - HP3XUG (02 March 2007)
TNX for the 5 bands. 1220Z 2nd Mar, just hearing U on 40, bad QRNN here this time of year! Amazed at your OPs excellent RX capabilities. Super job! 160 nil heard all these days, bad time for us here on TB. Safe journey returning. CU all again! 73
Igor - RA3CQ (02 March 2007)
Great expedition. Excellent working On-Line log Very good operators! Thanks, gentlemen!
Juergen - DK5WJ (02 March 2007)
Danke fuer die RTTY QSOs auf 20m und 17m! Leider hats auf 30m nicht geklappt mit meinem Dipol und 90W in schlechter HF-Lage... Gute Heimreise!
YON - YC1UUU (02 March 2007)
Very good job and good ops.... nice CU with CW and RTTY, GREETINGS FROM INDONESIA, 73! DE YC1UUU, Yon.
Haru - JA1XGI (02 March 2007)
Thank you for a nice job of updating the online log frequently. It is very usesful things to all stations for checking QSO. Once again your Dxpedition was very good job for all HAMS.
Sig - DL0OLB & DL2JIM (02 March 2007)
Vielen Dank fuer diese excellente Operation. Gute Signale, auch auf den niederfrequenten Baendern - einfach Spitze. Sig
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