VK9DNX - Guestbook

Flavio - IK1YDB (13 February 2007)
GL in the DXSPEDITION! HPE CU on 160m! Best 73's Flavio IK1YDB.

Franta - OK1AMF (14 February 2007)
Thanks for the new one on WARC 30 meters. 73! Franta

Theo - ON4AEK (14 February 2007)
Nice to work you fellows, keep up the good work and enjoy it !

Ragnar - LA5HE (14 February 2007)
Excellent operator on 30 meters, signing his call and working fast. AURORA made it worthless to call as flutter was very strong, but hopefully condx will be better. ON 7003.5 the operator was giving his call only every 5 minutes or so ! Result: plenty of ??? and CL ? Hopefully this operator will learn to sign often. Looking forward to qso on 160 !! ( Dietmar? hi ) 73 Rag

Mike Moran - WB2FUV (14 February 2007)
Thanks for the new one on WARC 30 meters. Excellent signal for long periods into northeastern USA. Good job, Good ears. 73!

Fritz - DL7ON (14 February 2007)
Hallo, viel Spass und gute Bdingungen fuer Euch und uns. Kommt gut zurück. Ich hoffe auf 160m, nicht wie bei YJ0...nil 73 Fritz DL7ON

Henk - PA3GCV (14 February 2007)
Hallo BCC freunde,ich hoffe fur euch und naturlich ach fur uns das die bedienungen gut sind. Voral auf 160M,das ist namlich der letste band der mir noch fehlt. Viel spass, 73e Henk PA3GCV

Hans - OR0A (14 February 2007)
Hi Guys ! Good Luck with the expedition ! Hope to work you on the low bands ! 73's from Tielt Winge - Belgium

Heinz-Josef Pick, - DK5WL (14 February 2007)
Hallo Freunde, Zone 32 wäre #38 auf 160m! Vielleicht klappts ja doch mal dorthin, mit Euch Topband-Spezialisten DL3DXX und DL8WPX! 73 und viel Spaß Joe DK5WL

Georg - DK7LX (14 February 2007)
Vln Dank fürs NEW ONE auf 30M. Super Signal! Viel Spaß und massiven Erfolg! Vy 73! Georg DK7LX

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