VK9DNX - Guestbook

José Nunes - CT1BOH (27 January 2007)
Good luck with propagation. There should be great greyline propagation bewtween VK9N and CT1. 73 to all

Guenter - DL8CMM (27 January 2007)
Wünsche Euch eine gute Reise nach dowm under !!!Viel Spass und Erfolg ...krachende pile ups und gute condx . Werde vornehmlich versuchen Euch auf den low bands zu erreichen. 73&55 gun,dl8cmm

Nodir Tursoon-Zadeh - EY8MM (02 February 2007)
It will be nice to add equipment and antennas to be used. I hope you safe trip and we will be looking for you! Need on couple of bands so hope propagation will be kind for us! 73 from Central Asia

chris - MI0JZZ (04 February 2007)
all the best guys with the dx.exp listen out for the uk stations have fun and stay safe 73`s chris......MI0JZZ

Tom - DJ6YX (05 February 2007)
Viel Spaß und viel Erfolg ! 73s Tom DJ6YX

PAUL - I4TJE (06 February 2007)

Donny - YB6LD (07 February 2007)
Thank you for planning Norfolk believe that you guys are top notch so will be looking for you on all bands cw, but please listen to us here in YB not only to EU JA and NA hi hi. Good luck and a safe trip to and back. YB6LD Donny NJ93IO

Brennen - KI4PRK (11 February 2007)
Great Website! Sehr Gut. I hope to work you on as many bands as I can CW, especially 12M. I will sign this again when I QSO you. Until then, good luck and 73, Brennen

Rustam - UU2JQ (12 February 2007)
I wish you a safe trip and a nice propagation! Will be looking for QSOs with you, especially for the new one on 160m! 73 from the Crimea!

Mirko - DJ1AA (13 February 2007)
Hello BCC Team, I wish you good luck for the trip and hope to work VK9DNX soon on the bands. Thanks to DF3CB for the nice Internet page as well. 73 Mirko (RRDXA) DJ1AA / AB0DL / 5Z4HU

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