VK9DNX - Guestbook

Andy - RZ3EM (17 February 2007)
IMHO, the first real DXpedition, who has the REAL ON-LINE (less than 1H update time)log. Well Done! Herzlichen Dank fuer wunderbar Verbindung heute morgen. Bis Bald! Andy - RZ3EM

Kenneth - SM5OJH (17 February 2007)
Hello. Please change to correct callsign SM 5 OJH for QSO 2007.02.16 at 14 MHz 10:05 GMT CW. Now Callsign is SM6OJH and that´s wrong. Thanks in advance Kenneth

Roman - UR0MC (17 February 2007)
Super signal on Top Band and good ears!FB operators.Tnx for new one! MP3 file with your signal on 160m about 1630z 16.02.2007 in UKRAINE http://www.ur0mc.com/ru/sound.php?id=9

Jozef - OM5TX (17 February 2007)
Hello and thanks for nice QSO-s.DX-pedition is verry good operator-s. 73 and good luck friends.

Joe - K0IVK (18 February 2007)
I was happy to work you on 21.007 in the ARRL DX Test today using an IC775 and KLM KT34A. GL, 73, Joe

Maurizio - IK4OMU (18 February 2007)
You are doing a very good job guys! I got you on 17M with my wire... . I hope to see you at the BCC desk in Friedrichshafen 2007. 73 de Maurizio - IK4OMU

Fernando - EA8AK (18 February 2007)
Outstanding signal on 80 mt. to day yesterday and the day before 599+ fm 1740-1830 gmt. PSE TRY 160 at o730 around, I think we ought have a narrow window btwn 07.30-07.45 gmt. I will be QRV there. 15-20 years ago, I wkd VK9NS on 160 at 05.25 but it was on June.Best 73 de Fernando EA8AK

Steve Hawkins - NG0G (18 February 2007)
I don't know whether it is the foot of snow sitting under my home made, sort of vertical, 80M vertical, or your good ears, but you heard my 100 watts from the frozen tundra in central Iowa. I am going to have a bottle of chewy Rogue Imperial Stout to celebrate.

Hans-Joachim Hoffmann - DL2CX (18 February 2007)
Hallo Dieter, vy 73 from >>old Germany<

Gianni - IS0VSG (18 February 2007)
Hello Great Job!!! antennas is great i need only a qso on 160m. tnx 73 Gianni

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