
4W8X / 4W1A 2023

VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014

TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell Expeditions
ZL8X - 2010

VK9DWX - 2008

VK9DNX - 2007
VK9DWX - Guestbook
Peter (13 January 2008)
Good luck with the preparation and CU on the air!
Christian, DL6KAC (13 January 2008)
Great news! Good luck and hope to work you!
Akihito Taga, JR0AMD (14 January 2008)
Hello! I'm Akihito Taga.Callsign is JR0AMD, I hope to see you on WARC bands! Your my first VK9W(Willis Is.) on 30m,17m & 12m. It looks forward to October this year.73! and Good DX!
Gavin, VK3HY (14 January 2008)
Good luck with the DX-pedition. I spent six months on Willis island in 1968 whilst working for the Bureau of Meteorology. I operated with call sign VK4EV and had many enjoyable QSO's on 3.5MHz and 14MHz with all home brew SSB equipment. I also had home brew 52MHz SSB but had no success at all on that band. No doubt the facilities on Willis Island will have improved somewhat since my visit 40 years ago. If you have time, I would appreciate if could post a few pictures of the current Met station on this site or maybe email me with a few pix. In particular, if the Met Bureau still maintain the board with the names of those who were stationed there from 1921 onwards, a digital picture of the 1968 entries would be very much appreciated - it might help me to convince my grand children that I really did spend six months of my life on a desert Island!
73 and good luck - I will look out for you on the bands.
K5AC - Tim (14 January 2008)
I look forward to working you on RTTY! This would be #303 for me.
Have a safe and productive trip!
73 Tim K5AC
Milan, OK7GU (18 January 2008)
Good luck with Willis Isl. You will be on SSTV and PSK31?. What about Auckland & Campbell or Kermadec or Lord Howe for the next time?
73 and CU Milan
Len, K1NU (22 January 2008)
Safe trip and good luck! Hope to work you on many bands for DXCC #332!
JAN OZ4Z - OZ7AAM (29 January 2008)
Hey Guys!!! Look forward to work you on the Ham Freq. I wish you good luck with the trip and look forward to enter the log.
Russell Norton (04 February 2008)
HI Guys have a great trip wish I was there. Have visted Willis on several occasions. A bit dissaponting you will not be operating on VHF/UHF. Have a great time. Cheers and all the best.
Russ Norotn VK4BEG
John Roberts VK4TL (05 February 2008)
Best wishes for the Willis operation.
Hope you will do some six metre operation.
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