
4W8X / 4W1A 2023

VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014

TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell Expeditions
ZL8X - 2010

VK9DWX - 2008

VK9DNX - 2007
VK9DWX - Guestbook
F5LVL (16 March 2009)
tks fr fb qsl good expe.
73 qro
Donato (17 March 2009)
Received the very nice qsl-card, congratulation for the excellent job.
73's, Donato - iz7eub
WILF DJ6TK (04 May 2009)
Moin zusammen,
zunächst einmal viele Dank für alle QSOs und die Bestätigung via LoTW.Leider mußte ich feststellen, man mein 30m RTTY QSO bisher bei LoTW nicht erfaßt worden ist.Könnt Ihr das noch einmal überprüfen ??
73 und moin moin aus Flensburg,
Wilf - dj6tk -
Barry G3PHW (03 July 2009)
A very good expedition. Hope to receive my qsl soon.
Don (13 October 2009)
Thanks for QSL-card received via bureau today (Oct 13 2009)
I6COJ - Gianfranco (06 July 2010)
Congrats for exellent dx pedition! Vy fb operatos: you hv done very grat job! TNX fr confirm my QSO on LOTW (vy quickly) es nice QSL card just received via bureau at 25 june 2010. Goos lucky from Jan
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