VK9DNX - Guestbook

Lloyd - AA8PW (28 February 2007)
Many thanks. very clear and very good cw contact. My age is 81 and still working on my DXCC. I'v got 15 countries to go. 73, Lloyd

John Rippey - W3ULS (28 February 2007)
Whoops! I was just fooling around on 17 meters when I heard your (very faint) CQ @2045Z 2/28. You came back to my call, though, and I guess I'm booked. I had no idea I'd stumbled on a DXpedition. Thought it was an Aussie ham. Running a JST-245 into a Carolina Windom 20-6 meter wire antenna. Thanks, men. 73, John, W3ULS

Toby - DL2TOS (28 February 2007)
Was für eine DXpedition! Vielen Dank für die QSO´s und ein fettes sorry an die OP´s die mein grottenschlechtes CW ertragen mussten :-)

John - G3PQA (28 February 2007)
Many thanks for 160m qso - heard you send my call and report in brief opening but after listening to noise and esp for 12 days didnt believe it. K=4 must have given propagation a boost out of black hole! Path through aurora over Siberia Arctic and north JA, if direct. Thanks also for your persistence, and excellent rx setup hearing our weak signals. Good consistent 579 signal on 80m evening and morning.

Mike - F5PLC (28 February 2007)
Many thank's for this nice expédition. I think and I hope the 80m CW QSO at 1845 this evening is OK, but a big QRM was just begining at this moment.....GRRRR Only 100W and vertical for me. Best Wishes and 73's to all ! Mike F5PLC

Kai - KE4PT (28 February 2007)
Thanks! Thanks! You gentlemen have incredible ears and superb operating skills -- thanks for the super QSOs on 17m and 40m from my indoor antenna -- 73

David - HB9TMW (28 February 2007)
Vielen Dank für die super-Expedition! Die Signale sind oft stark, UFB!!! Kommt gut nach Hause, 73 David HB9TMW

Janos - HA5KN (28 February 2007)
HI! Budapest, 28.02.2007, vy bad city nois.Only one DX on 20m: VK9DNX! Have 100W and GP ant. Tnx fer ufb QSO! Ales gute und gesunde Rückkehr! 73 Janos/HA5KN

Eric - G0CGL (28 February 2007)
Congratulations on big signals most bands, especially low bands. A very good operation. Thanks.

Fred - DF4PL (28 February 2007)
Vielen Dank für die Super DX-ped. Auch an die Web-(Log)-Gestalter. Leider ist mir 160 noch nicht gelungen. (täglich andere Frequenz)?! Habt eine gesunde Rückkehr. Fred DF4PL

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