VK9DNX - Guestbook

Bent Velling - LA0GE (27 February 2007)
Tnx for qso. Super strong signals on 17 meter.

Michael - PA5M (27 February 2007)
Guys, 3 bands in just 20 minutes ! Great operation of the Bavarian group again. Met a few members when I was in Nepal 2 years ago. Good luck with the DXPedition !! 73e Michael PA5M ex-9N7M, 3Y0X, etc

David - M0GDX (27 February 2007)
Any chance of operating aroound 7150 -7153? 73 David

Dan - KH6DAN (27 February 2007)
Oh... and by the way ... QSO was with a true slinky antenna at 6 meters above ground. Rig was Kenwood TS-2000 @ 75 watts.

Josef - HB9CIC (27 February 2007)
Excellent operating with very high efficiency. It is so funny to work this expedition. Congrats to all team members. Josef

Dan - KH6DAN (27 February 2007)
Aloha Norfolk Island and VK9DNX! G'day! You all were my first HF contact ever. Thanks for the QSO ! I will never forget. You're the first entry in my DX log. Best of luck and great DXing ! KH6DAN Dan

Morten - LA3MHA (27 February 2007)
Congrats with 50.000 qso's. Tnx fer operators with patience and good ears. Eexcellent DXPedition. TNX for 5 band from Norway including topband. Have a nice day to you all.

Wil - KB1CL (27 February 2007)
Congrats on your excellent ears!! I have only 75W, and a wire. 73 de Wil KB1CL

Ruggero (Rod) - IK3DVY (27 February 2007)
Very strong signal in italy this evening. And very well operator on cw.. Qso made with abt 300 w power and Ant. Gap voyager dx4 on 80 and 40 meter band (five minuts of pile-up abt on each band) fantastic. I hpe to meet you on 30 and 20m. 73s de ik3dvy

Jim and Kirtsti - VK9NS/VK9NL (28 February 2007)
Thanks for your help in getting our monster 11 element LPA down from the tower safely. We will clean and repair the beam and replace it at a slightly lower height. I will then be able to get at the beam using the NI Gov. 'Cherry Picker'. My mast climbing days are hopefully over!!!73 and 88 Jim and Kirsti.

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