VK9DNX - Guestbook

François - F8DVD (27 February 2007)
Congratulations for your very good DX pedition. Great signals, good operators, I hope you had fun! Thanks a lot for all, Yours, François F8DVD

Andrea - IV3SKB (27 February 2007)
incredible signal on all band and fb ops !! work on 30mt 10w (infinite ross to my 40mt wire antenna HI) congratulation !

Christian SERRAILLIER - F5UTE (27 February 2007)
Tnx 3 mode opérations rtty/cw/ssb,vry good opérators . Best regards from Chris

Joao - PY2NQ (27 February 2007)
Hello Guys, we still looking to work you on 80m CW and the best time for us is abt 8:30Z. I will be on the band looking for you. Many thanks and good luck. 73's de Joao PY2NQ

Nodir - EY8MM (27 February 2007)
Just started hunting few days before end of the expedition. Super op.s and great ears. I have high power line noise from that direction so tnx for pation during our qsos. Really need 10 m for new one. My propagation prediction software says that the best time is about 5Z on 10 m so I will try to be on the band. TNX for try today on 10 but I beleive it was a bit late. 12m signal was excellent! TNX and have fun!

Mirko - DJ1AA (27 February 2007)
Hello BBC Team, I just want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the great job on VK9DNX Norfolk Island. I worked you already now on 6 bands in CW, 3 bands in SSB and 1 band in RTTY. Perhaps more soon.. Hope to hear from you on 24MHz all modes, 7MHz SSB, 10MHz RTTY. A dream of mine is to work you on 160m, but I think I do not have the chance with my 66m long, 18m high dipol, inverted vee. Best regards to the team Mirko DJ1AA

Graham Welch - K5PEW (27 February 2007)
Super Ops! TNX for QRP QSO! My signal came from Oklahoma City to you from my Heathkit HW-8 at 2 Watts to a dipole. INCREDIBLE! Thank you very much for working hard to hear me, and for the opportunity to log Norfolk Island.

mario - CX4CR (27 February 2007)
congratulations good operation there are not conditions to south america sorry 73, mario

Markku - OH3FP (27 February 2007)
I have only 100W and G5RV low from ground and few calls VK9DNX and thats it. Good operator but band is also quite quiet. Thanks and good luck.

Kazu MUROTA - JA8ECS (27 February 2007)
Tnx for qsos on 160m to 10m band. Pse 40m and 75m SSB. 73

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