VK9DNX - Guestbook

Joerg Vollbrecht - DL4CF - DK0RTC (26 February 2007)
Hi Guys, Today you were the greatest for me since you've heard every single whisper on 160m!!! Really a great performance! I was listening for you for quite a while and that was good fun! Keep up your excellent operating! I'm looking forward to working you from another rare Topband country. 73 Joe, DL4CF

Vasek - OK1DN (26 February 2007)
Thanks for contacts with Norfolk Island, especially on 80 meters CW. I used only 100W and Delta Loop. Good Luck to all members of the DX-pedition team, 73

Ken - W6HF (26 February 2007)
Good signal into W6 on 80 and 40. Will look for you on 160M. Keep up the good work! 73

Ralf - DL6OAP (26 February 2007)
Many thanks for 40 m QSO last night. Antenna is still very low since storm >>Kyrill<< in January. So congrats on your good ears. 73 Ralf

Gunny - DJ5IH (26 February 2007)
Congrats for signal, operating and fast online log!

Michael - OE6IMD (26 February 2007)
Hallo! Vielen Dank für meine letzten benötigten VK9N-Bandpunkte: 160m und heute früh auf 12m...übrigens, auf 12m hatte ich schon fast die Hoffnung aufgegeben (bin sowieso meistens beim QRL wenn offen, HI)... Alles Gute aus der Steiermark und viel Spaß noch!

zhou - BD2BT (26 February 2007)

Fred H Dahlin - LA8KHA (26 February 2007)
Mni tnx fer qso on 3,5 Mhz.CW and 10.Mhz.CW with my very simple wire-antennas and my Yaesu FT-1000D.U must have excellent reciever conds.73`s and take care.

Bogdan Rzedzicki - SP7DRV (26 February 2007)
One of the best expeditions I remember. !!!!!!Congrulations!!!!!! Great operators,outstanding activity and everything is organised very well. I have worked you using 100 watts and a piece of wire various modes and bands (including 80 and 12 metres) in very poor propagation conditions. Thanks again

Lars - DL6FCB (26 February 2007)
Congrats for the superb DXpedition. Many thanks for 5 Bands and 3 Modes. It's a pity that a i have no adequate antenna for the low bands. Enjoy the last days and have a safe trip back home. 73 Lars

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