
4W8X / 4W1A 2023

VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014

TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell Expeditions
ZL8X - 2010

VK9DWX - 2008

VK9DNX - 2007
ZL8X - Guestbook
Ton PA1CC (15 February 2010)
Great line-up again! Looking forward to a lot of new bandpoints.
Good luck and take care
Ton, PA1CC
Thomas, DL2FCB (15 February 2010)
Hallo - Ich weiß wirklich nicht wo ich anfangen soll, aber die ",Lineup", liest sich wie das ",Who is Who",...
Ich freu mich schon wie ein kleines Kind auf eurere Signale. Ist zwar noch Zeit bis dahin - Aber alles Gute und ein glückliches Händchen.
Danke für diese DXPed :)
Ronald LA3ANA (15 February 2010)
Hab schon mal die Bev gespannt...73 und GL
Andy G3SVD (15 February 2010)
I am looking forward to getting a NEW one soon!
Alex (15 February 2010)
Hi guys! ZL8 is an all time new one for me, and I'm sure to get it on all bands now when you are going there. Thank you for all the hard work you put into these expeditions.
73's and have a safe trip.
Alex, OZ7AM
F8BON Pat (16 February 2010)
Fine ! congratulations for ZL8 licence and good luck for the futur. see your on the air for new one !
Best regards.
Pat. F8BON
WILD BILL (16 February 2010)
Have a SUPER trip.
Look for you on TOPBAND.
Bill N2WB
Gary ZL2iFB (16 February 2010)
Well done on getting permission, boat and team together.
You might prefer to use ZM8X in CQ WW CW ...
73 GL
Gary ZL2iFB
Nodir EY8MM (16 February 2010)
This very good news for DX community. Looking forward for more news from the team and will keep coming to your WEB. ZL8 needed on many bands so you will have a lot of guys calling. Low bands will be main concern for myself. Shortly will make some donations to help with the costs!
Brad K5AR (16 February 2010)
Very good news for many that need ZL8. Have a great time and good luck with everything. CU in November!
Brad K5AR
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