ZL8X - Guestbook

kostas (27 May 2010)
best whishes for dxpedition after zl8x and zl9x is near..hi hi 73

Wes (07 June 2010)
Wishing all of you good weather, good propagation conditions and of course, good health. Enjoy the trip !
73 Wes SP2DX

Paul (17 June 2010)
Looking fwd to your trip, we will post on Cluster when we hear you,
safe journey 73
Paul - ZL2CQ

Ken (30 June 2010)
I am very much looking forward to working you in RTTY as #327 for DXCC which means Honor Roll! Good Luck!

Reinhard (15 July 2010)
Looking forward to meet you on band for new dxcc ever, although with 100w and windon ant it will be difficult.
Any strategy to get weak ones in log? sked chance?

Wilf DJ6TK (21 July 2010)
looking fpr forward your DX-Pedition in November,hope to make some new ones on the low bands.
73 and good luck,
Wilf - DJ6TK - from Flensburg/Baltic Sea

Hans (25 July 2010)
Looking forward to try on 160,80,17 and 10 meters,,,, Will be from my new qth,,,,
I am sure it will be a lot of fun

Hans sm6cvx (25 July 2010)
bu the way MY call is SM6CVX

Charlie (05 August 2010)
Sure hope the propagation Gods are with us, and the Sun Spots are plentyful...

Be safe and have fun.

Charlie-WA2HMM (05 August 2010)
Sure hope 10 will be open

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