
4W8X / 4W1A 2023

VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014

TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell Expeditions
ZL8X - 2010

VK9DWX - 2008

VK9DNX - 2007
VK9DNX - Guestbook
Harry Potter - VK9DNX (24 February 2007)
No description of antennas and equipment? WHy is this vital information missing?
Wolf - DL7HU (24 February 2007)
Today, I had my highlight. Worked you on 12m and unbelievable also on 160m. First Time I heard you on Top-Band. Thanks to the hole crew for this fine Job and the sensitiv ears.
Richard J Miller - VK2KRM (24 February 2007)
I hope to hear you on 160m tonight in the contest. I will be listening for your call. Reguards VK2KRM
Heinz-Josef Pick - DK5WL (25 February 2007)
Hallo Freunde, konnte heute Eurer 160m-Signal zum ersten Mal aufnehmen nach vielen vergeblichen Versuchen die Tage zuvor - und habs auch gleich ins Log geschafft! Vielen Dank für Eure Ausdauer und die >>guten Ohren<
Hans - MM0XAU (25 February 2007)
40 und 80m SSB ?! Das wollt Ihr Euch wirklich antun? Wenn man da nur an die Buchstabiererei denkt, die Euch erwartet !! >>Guatemala<< >>Cinderella<< >>Tokyo<< >>Pacific<<.... CW ist doch einfach schöner...oder? Cheers from the SHETLAND ISLANDS.
Osten - SM5DQC (25 February 2007)
Thanks Dietmar for removing the SM5DQC 160 meter QSO that was incorrect from the log. Honesty pays of in the long run, and today I worked with another om my callsigns, SM5F, and now all is OK in the log.
Osten - SM5DQC (25 February 2007)
Thanks Dietmar for removing the SM5DQC 160 meter QSO that was incorrect from the log. Honesty pays of in the long rung, and today I worked with another om my callsigns, SM5F, and now all is OK in the log.
Dan - ON5UE (25 February 2007)
Ein wunderbar dx-pedition. Unless the bad condx. I worked from 30-15m. I still believe to have qso on 40m perhaps 80m. Great job om's! Keep going! Good luck! Dan ON5UE
Klaus - DL6ZXG (25 February 2007)
Danke für den super Betrieb auf 160 m...Hatten extra für dieses Wochenende eine 400 m lange Beverage übers Feld gespannt und wurden mit einem Super Signal belohnt 73 Peter DL6MHG+Klaus DL6ZXG
Ettore - I5SDG (25 February 2007)
Great work !
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