
4W8X / 4W1A 2023

VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014

TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell Expeditions
ZL8X - 2010

VK9DWX - 2008

VK9DNX - 2007
VK9DNX - Guestbook
Thomas - DL5MO (22 February 2007)
30m war heute morgen def. lauter als die Tage zuvor-war das die überarbeitete Antenne? Trotzdem hat es nicht geklappt, bitte weiter 30m morgens auch vor 0600UTC aktivieren! 73 Thomas
Hans - DL7CM (22 February 2007)
Hallo Jungs, super Betrieb, prima sigs auf den lower bands. Bitte 12/15m für NE zwischen 10-12z. Ihr seit immer viel zu zeitig, da geht nur der medi-terrane Raum und UB5. Ich wünsche mir RTTY auf 80/40/30. Sollte bei den sigs kein Problem sein. Zu der Theorie, möglichst vielen ein neues Land zu geben (dh 20m machen) ,kann ich nur sagen, für den es neu ist, ist es egal, ob auf 40 oder 20. Bitte bald, ich reise am 1.3. aus nach J5. 73 Hans / DL7CM
Hardy - DC8TS (22 February 2007)
Und es geht Doch ! 14 & 18 MHz CW mit R5 und 100 Watt Danke VK9N ist neu fuer mich 73 Hardy DC8TS / KC2DMA
Mike Corke - ZS1RJQ (22 February 2007)
Your on a fantastic island, good DX and thank you. Good opening into South Africa 21 Feb at 06:30 UTC.
Osten - SM5DQC (22 February 2007)
Hello Dietmar! I have seen that I'm in the log for 160 meters 21 Febr. but I think it's a logging mistake, it was SM5DJZ you wo worked around 16.00 UTC - I was not on until later. I will try again tonight, but the signals are weak and in fast and heavy QSB all the time. Keep on with the good work, and please remove me from the log - if you have me around 16.00 UTC, I called later after 1730 UTC, and thought you came back - probably not... You may e-mail me at sm5dqc@arrl.net
alpo reho - OH3TM (22 February 2007)
Hello there in Norfolk. Must say Your workin on all levels goes GREAT! Just discussed with Ossi OH3YI how well You have done all things. Tnx also for QSO:s. Great. All The best and take Care. Ossi (OH3YI) sends also best regards! alpo >>TankoMehiko<<
Denny - WB4HDC (22 February 2007)
Just wanted to compliment you and congratulate you at the same time for a GREAT DXpedition !! Just OUTSTANDING OPS and GREAT EARS !!!! Tnx for the 17m and 15m CW and SSB QSO's... Amazing that you heard me 1st call all four times..just using 90w and sloper dipole at 20 feet on 17m......and 90w and 40m dipole at 20 feet on 15m !!!! YOU DID ALL THE WORK !! HI HI ( will be looking on 40 cw ! ) 73 and Great DX ! Denny WB4HDC
Bart Dries - ON3VK (22 February 2007)
Dear friends, I try to listen every day and we can hear you very well here in Belgium. I tried to reach you but with my only 10 watts... almost impossible. Wish you all the best during your stay on the island ! Please visit our dxpedition website: www.mali2007.obox.be. Hopely we can work one of your participants from Mali ! Enjoy !
David Bower - K4PZT (22 February 2007)
Thanks for the contact on 17 meters (18.142) 2-21-07 at 2052 UTC. Good DX operation.Thanks for the good operation. 73, David, K4PZT
Richard Gottlieb - DF9TF (22 February 2007)
Vielen Dank fuer die prima Verbindungen, speziell auf 160m. Wünsche euch weiterhin Glück und Erfolg. Excellente, vorbildhafte DX-Epedition, super Onlinelogführung Grüße aus der fernen Heimat. Richard - DF9TF
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