VK9DNX - Guestbook

Jens Buchta - DL3AWB (21 February 2007)
Das >>Anstehen<< hat sich gelohnt, tnx und prima dass es auch noch in SSB geklappt hat - Grüße an die ganze Crew, insbesondere an Tom DL5LYM, 73 und noch viel Spaß geim gemeinsamen Hobby

Wolfgang - DL1AWI (21 February 2007)
Hallo Ihr Mannen! Danke für die 160/80 m QSO<

Robin Scott - MI5RJS (21 February 2007)
Was very greatful to work your station this morning 21/2/2007 on 20mtrs wish you all the best with the expedition and hope to work you on other bands thanks. Robin De MI5rjs

Marko - OH3XR (21 February 2007)
Thanks for QSO´s. 160m signal has been best around our sun set (1530z) and another peak 1815-1835Z,how ever conditions have been quite disturbed for the last few days and your signal level quite low most of the time but you hear extremely well. Good luck and hope you can also QSO many western EU fellows on top band.

Sherman A. Harrison - K4KU (21 February 2007)
tnx....great DX=K4KU

Alan - K7ACZ (21 February 2007)
Was hearing you very FB last night 0640Z-0740Z 20/2/2007 Tx on 7098 listening 7095. Here in USA we were hoping you may listen for awhile above 7125 for USA but no luck. Hope you may try again later on.

Gary - ZL2IFB (21 February 2007)
Good QTH, good equipment and good ops: we couldn't ask for much more! You guys are doing a great job with loads of QSOs already in the log, putting our own little trip (VI9NI) to shame. Congrats on the informative website and fast-uploaded online log too. Have fun! AWDH 73 Gary

Osten - SM5DQC (21 February 2007)
Worked VK9DNX on 160 earlier tonight, but not in log, so there must have been a >>pirate<< fooling some of us, will try again tomorrow night - good luck with the 160 meter QSOs for northern Europe - not easy to copy you up here!

Tony - KP4AZ (21 February 2007)
Worked on 18 MHz with shortened dipole 8 ft. off a concrete roof. Next days on ZK3 -100W- Tnx to gud operators on your side and luck on mine.

Miguel - EA6SX (22 February 2007)
Thanks for the new one on top band, great signal. I could,d believed with my modest dipole, real 559 and clear. Great job as usual. Congratulations. 73 MIKE EA6SX

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