
4W8X / 4W1A 2023

VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014

TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell Expeditions
ZL8X - 2010

VK9DWX - 2008

VK9DNX - 2007
VK9DNX - Guestbook
John - K0JY (19 February 2007)
Tnx for the Top Band QSO into Colorado. Have fun! 73
RUAN - BA6QH (19 February 2007)
Great ears guys!... 5w qrp and wire dipole for 17M qso. 0.5w QRPp for 10M cw 1w QRPp for 10M ssb very good work
John Best - N9MSG (19 February 2007)
Great ears guys!... 100w and wire dipole (not in your direction) for 17M qso. Also 15M during arrl test.. good work.
George - SP9EVP (19 February 2007)
Thanks guys for wonderfull operation-till this time 80,40,20,17 cw.I refresh my memory -2001 I was on Norfolk using call VK9KND.SP9EVP73
Bob - W5LT (20 February 2007)
Tnx for 160 & 80m Q's..new band country for me. Worked you on all but 10m....any chance for that before you leave? The first class ops make it a pleasure to work you. 73s
Dennis - WR3H (20 February 2007)
You guys sure hear well. Thank for 20 cw and 17 ssb. Great operating skills through the pile and conditions. Hope to catch you on a few others. 73 Denny
Morten - LA3MHA (20 February 2007)
Sorry for dupe on 80m, but Norfolk Island is a >>perfect<< distance to try a new antenna from Norway. Tnx fer vy good operators and Hpe to work you on 160. :-) Have a nice day and gd dx.
Tom - WD5K (20 February 2007)
Many thanks for the contacts and congratulations for such an outstanding Dxpedition. 73, Tom
Mike - VE3VHB (20 February 2007)
Last week you had a huge signal here in VE3 on 30M around 1300Z but since the antenna change (vertical to horizontal) signal is poor at best. Hope you'll return it to the vertical position! Still need VK9N on 30 and 80 - and 12 if the band ever opens!
Ryan - K2CUB (20 February 2007)
Hi Guys, thanks for activating this location. I was looking at your log and I worked you at 2114 19 FEB 07 on 21.026. Just wanted to make sure I was in the log for cw. Thanks again, Ryan K2CUB
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