ZL8X - Guestbook

BA6QH/QRP (08 December 2010)
WHEN uploading online log?

Richard Fiero II (08 December 2010)
OQRS doesnt work right, wont let you send US dollars.

Dick Johnson WB6Q (08 December 2010)
Screw you $5.00 for a QSL card, not going to get rich on my money I do without your dam card I'll be dead before it arrives via the bureau. I will file a complaint with the ARRL to not accept your dxpedition. So this is what ham radio has come to, very sad.

Hal Deitz (08 December 2010)
Great Dx, but unable to load QSO info properly. Problem with web site. How abt direct QSL with $2 US?

Rick KBMRT (08 December 2010)
Great DXpedition guys...Just can't log qso's for confirmation on your site. Can't put time of qso in minutes, can't put specific frequeny and looks like other people are having the same problem. Can we qsl direct with $2.00?

bob (08 December 2010)
I will be happy to pay for the qsl card and the postage. No matter the cost, well, within reason. I want the cards, i worked very had for them, these guys worked very hard to bring this to us. If i had a little extra in my paypal, i would make nice donation.

Jim Adams K0BAM (08 December 2010)
For people having problems with the online log, press TAB after you enter your date and hour, it will scroll to the right for freq and mode. Hope yall had a great time looking forward to the QSL cards.

KD4POJ (08 December 2010)
Well I didn't see any issue with sending a dontaion above $5.oo to the DXpedition, I was acatually able to aford a little something extra for their efforts. Granted I am not as well to do as a retired Company President that also has a senond pension. But you wont have to worry about me complaining to the ARRL DX Desk and telling them not to accept ur expedition for DXCC Credit.

Great job again Guys look forward to seeing you all on the air from your home QTHs. Safe trip home. Enjoy the hoilidays.

Jack (08 December 2010)
With Firefox Browser the Online Request System works 100% !!

Albert PA5O (08 December 2010)
I am very sorry but OQSL is not working properly on one of my 2 PC's. The OQSL site of PJ7E worked perfect. I had send a donation already in April.
I will keep trying or send my request by mail. ZL8X was country #339!
73, Albert

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