ZL8X - Guestbook

K0KP (07 December 2010)
Thanks for a great dx-pedition. Great operators at ZL8X! Had a wonderful time working you on the various bands. Super job! 73 es TNX

Slava (07 December 2010)
Thank you for great
work! For 6 QSO on 4 bands!
This is first my work with Dxpedition. There was much pleasantly work with You!
In Online-Log why-that no two QSO (15 and 20?) for December 5. Will update?
Most best wisheses!

Vince K4JC (07 December 2010)
Thanks, guys, for the chance to work a new one! A great DXpedition with fine operators - it was a real pleasure! 73

Walt (07 December 2010)
Thanks for all the band/mode contacts you gave me. Some were almost by ESP. Great Job guys!

Is there a problem with OQRS? Can only enter Date and Hour for contacts.

Luciano Melo (07 December 2010)
This Expedition, has been the best. Congratulations for very good job. TU to all make it possible.
Luciano CT1HHP

Chris GM3WOJ (07 December 2010)
Great DXpedition guys - thanks.

Good to see my friend Franz DK1II relaxing on the Braveheart !

73 GL

Alan Swinger (07 December 2010)
Great job!! However, there is a problem with OQRS - can only enter date and hour . . . no other QSO data.

Safe trip home.

Joe KH6/W3GW (07 December 2010)
I have same problem as others putting in my QSL information.

Allen Zatonsky (07 December 2010)
You guys were great! Professional and simply outstanding, etc. This dxpedition is how other dxpeditions will be compared to. Your team set the bar VERY high! Thanks very much! Happy Holidays.

Robert Garth (08 December 2010)
Great DX but your Website entry system does not work, I can only enter the Date and hour, no Freq or anything else like Mailing address. Also $5 is steep, can people just send there own card with $2 ???

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