ZL8X - Guestbook

TED PARK (01 December 2010)
Great Operation!!! Thanks for all the contacts and thank you for your patience in making the special effort to work me when conditions were less than ideal. You guys are great operators and your efforts are appreciated by many including me! 73, Ted, K6XN

Oleg (01 December 2010)
Try on 10m CW/RTTY starting 0300z to western direction. Usually you are booming here between 0300-0500z on 15,12 m almost daily. Then condx do down...

A65BR / Oleg

Bill (01 December 2010)
Worked you on all bands. Very good operators under some very bad conditions.

Klaus (01 December 2010)
Hallo ihr !!
Wir bereiten gerade den BCC-Rundbrief vor. Frage: habt ihr ev. ein ",cooles", Foto, dass wir da bringen könnten? Ev. einen kurzen Bericht spez. für den RB?
Wenn ja, bitte melden.
Euch noch ALLES GUTE!

Daniele IW9GRL (01 December 2010)
Great activity... worked in SSB from 40m to 17mt !!

Paul DK8SR (01 December 2010)
Finally I got you on my favourite band 40 m CW. Thanks to all of you down there.
73 and have a good journey back home.

Paul DK8SR

Hardy (01 December 2010)
I give up on ZL8X. Trying the last 2 weeks to get the station at least on 1 band/mode without any success.
Seems impossible for 100W with R5 Vertical here in JO30JP.
Heard them 14 & 10 RTTY 539 here but apparently only KW-ERP stations worked
Have a nice time on Kermadec 73 de Hardy DC8TS

Mark (01 December 2010)
Nice peaks on 80 m and solid QSO but operator forgot to fill log.
All my friends heard my QSO.
17 m has short peaks too, but only South Europe as they have better propagation.
Not very happy here.
Wish much better soon, Mark OH3LX

Cliff (01 December 2010)
You guys are GREAT!! Thanks for many new ones on different bands. You really did a FB job. Worked you on most bands with only 100 watts. Only 40 M phone did I put on amp!

Cliff W9KK

paul iz8blv (01 December 2010)
Mny Tnx! enjoy the pile up!

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