ZL8X - Guestbook

Arlen ",Skip", Young (01 December 2010)
Thanks for your 15M SSB contact. You had a terrific signal into my half-wave vertical. QTH is near San Francisco, California.

Skip, K6KZM

bob (01 December 2010)
kl7h LES,it would appear that you have 23 qso in the log, but only 21 frequencies confirmed. perhaps some dupes? as well i have 17 in the log, but 1 is dupe, and 1 is contest.

Julio (01 December 2010)
Congratulations to all the operators of this tremendous DXpedition.
Keep up the good job.
Hope to find you in few more bands.
Good luck to all.
Have a nice trip back home.
Happy Holidays.

Tony-ik8uha (01 December 2010)
Excellent operators.
Excellent organization.
Excellent results.
thanks for the dx-pedition

Dave Weiss (01 December 2010)
Great Operators, contacts, just overall great! What a pleasure to work your DXpedition!


Dave K3FT

Stan (01 December 2010)
You have fantastic CW ops vary short wait times for a contact.

Great operation 73, Stan N7YQ

yongki - yb0cou (01 December 2010)
my 80M Qso 30/11/10 13:27 no on the log!!! tnx

John C. Moody, SR (01 December 2010)
Many thanks, worked on first call with a GAP TitanDX ground mounted, ICOM756ProIII, with IC-2kl/AT500 combo.

Barry - N8DAD (01 December 2010)
Glad to work u guys on 17meters and twice on 15meters.

Glad to be able to work u ill wait till i can on another band

Barry - N8DAD

Bob (01 December 2010)
Gonna be any 160/80 tonight?? smiles

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