ZL8X - Guestbook

Joey / w5tfw (14 December 2010)
whats the next step ? LOTW ? any schedule ?

dennis scott (15 December 2010)
You are my first 17 meter contact.I was tuning around and there you were.Thanks a lot

Steven (15 December 2010)
I would like to know how to request my QSL's via online, I filled out the online form but only shows or ask for EU no US$ which i would prefer, and no email listed to send for request PP request ZL8X - 'yourcall' and the amount of money you would like to donate. well I guess it will wait for awile while the guy settle in back home.
Great Job Guys....

Steven (15 December 2010)
I would like to know how to request my QSL's via online, I filled out the online form but only shows or ask for EU no US$ which i would prefer, and no email listed to send for request PP request ZL8X - 'yourcall' and the amount of money you would like to donate. well I guess it will wait for awile while the guy settle in back home.
Great Job Guys....

LA8AW - Odd-Egil (16 December 2010)
Great job - very good ears......

Mike (16 December 2010)
I confused like others about the OnLine QSL system. I made a donation, verified my contacts. Does qualify me for the QSLs?

Yuri Sushkin (20 December 2010)
Thanks all of you for being our beacon during V73QQ/V73TM/ and /mm operation! Especially to your OP for courtesy who was on 160m Dec. 6th!
Our understanding was ZL8X should QRT Dec 5th, but possibly weather delayed your departure. It was very nice of you and Big thank you again!

Yuri N3QQ/V73QQ

DL2HRF (20 December 2010)
28 years with license and your effort gave me an all time new one!On purpose I had built a 30m sloping vertical dipole.Unfortunaly best condx for QSO were during normal working time in DL, so only the weekends left to get you into the log! You know what thats supposed to mean....For the last couple of years fun of Dxing is leaving, very sad!But you made me
happy one more time, thanks so lot!
73 de Tom

Joseph Lowe (21 December 2010)
Thanks for a once in a lifetime 160M contact. Conditions may never be as good again.

Bill Maurer (21 December 2010)
What a great DXpedition...
Thanks for all of the QSOs. The operators were great and had very good ears. Much fun to contact your team. Thanks for the new band/mode QSOs - more to send in for DXCC.

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