4W8X / 4W1A 2023
VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014
TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell ExpeditionsZL8X - 2010
VK9DWX - 2008
VK9DNX - 2007
ZL8X - Guestbook
Roger, WI3R (01 December 2010)
One of the best DX operations I have had the pleasure to work!
Roger, WI3R
Eldon (01 December 2010)
A super expedition. Your histograms are a big help in finding best time for qsos. Your signals have been fantastic and your operator skills the best I have heard in recent times.
Steve Wright (01 December 2010)
Very professionally done expedition. For a cw & ssb sweep 10-160m, I only need 160 ssb. I shall look at 10:00z each night from now on.
Bob (02 December 2010)
It has been a real pleasure working you guys. Very professional operation, as you well know. I hope your next DXpedition is as exciting and adventurous.
F.R. Ashley (02 December 2010)
Great DXPedition and and website too!
Erik - K5WW (02 December 2010)
Thanks for your fantastic operation! To be honest I'd never thought I'd work you guys, but this afternoon it finally happened. So thank you very much for going to Kermadec, and enableing me to put a new DXCC in my logbook!
Erik - K5WW
Giorgio IK5PWN (02 December 2010)
Tnx for the Qso !!!!!
SSB - 20 - 17 - 15.
RTTY - 20 - 18
My Grateful TNX for HALL.
klaus (02 December 2010)
danke für s qso klaus dk9zq
HA8KW, Feco (02 December 2010)
TNX for nice 20m CW QSO and the warm greetings from you Vicky!
All the best, 73/88!
See you in Bielefeld at the latest!
Torsten, DG/RO (02 December 2010)
Wie grosse Ohren habet ihr denn??? So gross wie die ganze Insel? Hört ja alles... Und für die winzigen, leisen Signale gebt ihr euch richtig Mühe - SUPER!!!! Danke für die Gedult auf 17m!
WOllte der 20m Op heute morgen die DX-Gemeinde testen? Hat ",up 5-10", gesagt und dann im Anschluss noch ",197",: alle rufen zwischen 14.186-14.193. Keiner hörte und verstand die ",197",...
Dort hingedreht und ein Ruf reichte aus.
Leider hats mit RTTY nicht geklappt.
Kommt gut nach Hause!
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