4W8X / 4W1A 2023
VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014
TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell ExpeditionsZL8X - 2010
VK9DWX - 2008
VK9DNX - 2007
ZL8X - Guestbook
hans (26 November 2010)
Very good opration.BUT still need
160 , 12 and 10 meter for new one.
Heard you many bands,but not calling if I have band cfmd already.THANKS all de
KL7AC (26 November 2010)
Excellent operation! I think I have good propagation from Alaska for a change as you have been very easy to work from 10-40.
Great ears as well, good luck in CQWW!
9Y4W (26 November 2010)
Got 20/SSB in the log at last, Thanks Chris for turning the antenna, it helped a lot ,-)
Nothing heard whatsoever on 80.
Will try 17/SSB tomorrow, condx looking grim though. Thanks for 12 Q's, that's more i could ask. 73 from Tobago
ea3geg (26 November 2010)
Congratulations for dx-pedition,very good opertors and job.Difficult copy from Spain on any bands, go ahead boys,
KD4POJ (26 November 2010)
Great job guys excellent operators all. Many Thanks for all the QSOs so far and hope to put a few more in the logs. Still have to rework you on 17m ssb seems maybe the call was skewed but no worries.
Thanks again have fun and keep up the great job.
Wilf - DJ6TK - (26 November 2010)
heute morgen(26.11.)hat es endlich auf 40m(new one)geklappt.Es ging auf einmal sogar beim 1.Anruf mit der FD4.
Ich hoffe awdh im CQWW am kommenden Wochenende.
73 an die ganze Crew und moin moin aus Flensburg,
Wilf - dj6tk -
Salvo, it9hlr (26 November 2010)
Excellent signals and great players, great work!
Thank you for nice job.
Salvo, it9hlr
W9COX Albert (26 November 2010)
Thanks for the 40M CW QSO. Nice work on the DXpedition.
Jean (26 November 2010)
Hi guys keep the good work.
Nice expedition and nice signals.
I dont need Kermadec anymore for my collection but still listen to the piles time by time.
Nice expedition with fabulous operators wenn I listen a while hi.
Came home safely 73's Jean ON4AEF
Dick (26 November 2010)
Thanksgiving Day made 5 CW QSO's FB operators. Hope to catch you on 10 and 160.Thanks for the dxpedition and hope you have great fun experience.
77 Dick N4ARO
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