ZL8X - Guestbook

Andy (24 November 2010)
Tnx for an all time new one on 30. You guys are doing an amazing job!

Vy 73 de Andy, DL3YM

Erik G0CGL (24 November 2010)
Thanks for long path 80m at our sunrise - great sigs at 0730z. Please repeat in coming days for West EU.

kostas (24 November 2010)
hello Victoria tnx for the qso on 17m today 88 sv2cxi kostas see you on 10&80 hello and all teem

OE4VIE Jo (24 November 2010)
Amazing and outstanding job, you gave me many new bands and modes....LOOKING FOR YOU ON 12m NEXT DAYS. Thanks for all your efforts and keep up the great work!
73 GL! Jo OE4VIE

Florian Schuster (24 November 2010)
Hey guys,

Although not being part of the worldwide ham radio family, I am really enthusiastic about the work you are doing down there! looks like you set up your equipment at a really amazing place! all the best for the next days and special greetings to my dad (DL8OH) and Heye (DJ9RR).

enjoy your trip!

Flo Schuster

Rudolf DK3CG (24 November 2010)
Hi guys,

super job, tolle Verbindungen, weiter so. mni tks, gd luck für die restliche Zeit und eine gute Rückreise.
73, Rudolf.

Paul DK8SR (24 November 2010)
Hello boys,
thanks for the 20-meter SSB-QSO, the very first ever to ZL8 after 38 years of ham-radio activity, hi. Since I've been retired I got the time to sit in front of the radio for hours calling for you. But now ZL8 is in the log!

Good luck and you all are doing a great job. Hope I'll catch you in CW, too.

73, Paul DK8SR

Torsten, DG7RO (24 November 2010)
grossartige Betriebstechnik! Ihr habt mich mit meinem Kümmersignal auf 17m mit 100W an einem lächerlichen Draht gehört!
Erstaunlich, dass überhaupt was in ZL8 ankam. Ich probier's weiter auf anderen Bändern.
Macht weiter so!

Harold Clagg (24 November 2010)
Typical HF DXpedition.
Not serious about 6m.

What a joke.

You have been there 4 days now, and 6m station is still not set up yet.

How hard is it?????????????

Paul Copeland K4KCS (24 November 2010)
Had Kermadecs confirmed on 10 and 20 from many years ago. Now have on 12, 40 and 80. Good job, super ops.

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