4W8X / 4W1A 2023
VK9DLX/VK9LM - 2014
TX5K - 2013
part of Cordell ExpeditionsZL8X - 2010
VK9DWX - 2008
VK9DNX - 2007
ZL8X - Guestbook
R.F. hutchinson ",Hutch", (23 November 2010)
Great operation. Super gud ears. Thanks for pulling my signal out of the noise for my only qso so far.
Michael OBrien (23 November 2010)
Outstanding operators! Thanks for the new one, Mike K4NFA
EA5URB (23 November 2010)
Best wishes from Spain.
Bob (W4RAA) (23 November 2010)
Great sounding station and great operators! 59 into Central Florida.
Thanks for the unique neqw one!
73s and Good DXing
Wane Boysun (23 November 2010)
Thanks for the QSO and patience getting my call through the noise this morning. You made my day!
Ken (23 November 2010)
Thanks for your quick updates to the OnLine Log. 73, Ken / WD4ERM
richard (23 November 2010)
tks for new dxcc, it took me (low power, 10 meters of wire) 3 days to come through on 30 meters.
signals resonable in 9m2, but very hard block by ja and eu stations.
keep on going
Kai (23 November 2010)
Great ears and fabulous operators! You heard my 100 W / indoor antenna on 12m and 10m! Thanks for the new one!
Kai (23 November 2010)
Great ears and fabulous operators! You heard my 100 W / indoor antenna on 12m and 10m! Thanks for the new one!
doug warren AD8DW (23 November 2010)
HOLA Victoria and the rest of all you hope all is well!having fun trying to get threw all the pile ups great job every one! hope too get threw tonight 73 AD8DW
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